Monday, 21 March 2016


It's happened again, I haven't blogged for such a long time *cries*. Before I start blogging normally again (aiming for once a week) here is an update of my school/educational life since the 25th of January.

Open Days
I probably defied every single rule by applying to 4 Universities that I hadn't visited but I did it (because I'm rebellious like that). I finally went to the visit day for the University of York and the University of Birmingham and I loved them.

University of York
York is a very green University and I am basically like a little dog, I love the outdoors and fresh air, I don't like being inside for long, so seeing all the green space made me really happy. British weather decided to spew its tears on the visit day though, so it was cold and raining and generally really gross but I just imagined what it would be like on a rare sunny day and thought YEAH I LIKE THIS PLACE. We also had the best mini lecture and breakout session talking about Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump, terrorism and the refugee crisis (which caused a bit of a debate). I finished the open day feeling amazing. It was that feeling you get when you question yourself about going to a party or event and when you finally get there you're really happy with your decision. I had been questioning myself about my course, especially because I don't have any strong allegiance to any political party and think of politics from a very emotional stance, rather than in figures and stats. When I got to the open day, however, and heard other people speaking passionately about why the UK should accept refugees my anxieties were lifted.

University of Birmingham
After the visit day to York I was so ready to go to Birmingham. I got to the campus and was gushing about it for the whole time. The University of Birmingham looks like the campus Universities you see on American TV shows and it’s so beautiful. The lecturer started the session playing loads of different songs from Green Day to BeyoncĂ© and asked us to find the link. When he finally said that politics influences music, and how music can be used as a political tool I was like YAAAAASSSSSSS (internally of course) because that whole concept really resonates with me. We then went for a tour of the University with a really friendly tour guide called Elle (if you ever read this, you are legit the sweetest person) who broke down the whole University life from the social side to the Politics and International Relations degree. During the lunch break we also got to talk to one of the lecturer. Again Mr Trump came up in conversation and also the EU referendum. Considering that Birmingham was initially just an additional University on the list, I wasn't really expecting to like it but I loved the atmosphere and the course content.

Head Girl
I was one of two Head Girls at my school; we started our role last March and ended it a few weeks ago. Juggling Head Girl responsibilities and school work was not really difficult but served to be challenging in other respects. We had a really great team and managed to do a few things, including raising money for War Child to send girls to school. There were a few times we had to stay late after school and talk to parents and prospective students and we also did speeches, which meant that any feelings of awkwardness or shyness had to be thrown out of the window (one of the biggest things I learnt to do). It was a huge learning experience and I'm really grateful I got the opportunity to represent my school.


Final Offer
My last offer was in December, so I was pretty sure that I was going to get a rejection from Warwick. Last week I got my very last offer from Warwick, which was a big surprise. I feel that bit more motivated to work harder and keep going- so yeah that's pretty fabulous.

Shameless promo
Aside from blogging for UCAS, I blog for other platforms and I'm now a writer for MTV!!!
Click on the links to see my work:

Year 13 has been quite stressful but it’s nearly over and my post from exactly 3 months ago is my motivation, and hopefully it can be yours to. Check it out here.

Keep Smiling 
& click here to vote for me as blogger of the month 
Itunu :)